Avoiding screen time vs Creating healthy habits like swimming

Are you concerned about the amount of time your child spends in front of screens? You’re not alone. With the rise of digital devices and popular shows like “Paw Patrol,” many parents struggle to find a balance between screen time and the desire of creating healthy habits – like swimming.

The good news is that creating healthy habits, can significantly reduce screen time and offer numerous benefits for your child’s physical and mental well-being.

At Easy2Swim, we believe in the power of swimming to foster a healthier, more active lifestyle for children. Here’s how you can make the shift from screens to swimming.

Step 1: Understand the impact of excessive screen time

Before making changes, it’s essential to understand why reducing screen time is crucial. Research has shown that excessive screen time can have detrimental effects on children’s development:

Physical Health: Excessive screen time is linked to sedentary behavior, which can lead to obesity, poor posture, and eye strain. According to the World Health Organization, children aged 2-4 should not have more than one hour of sedentary screen time per day.

Mental Health: Harvard Health Publishing states, “Chronic activation of this survival mechanism impairs health and causes brain changes that may contribute to anxiety, depression, and addiction.”

Additionally, the American Psychological Association notes, “Fast and fantastical shows regardless of whether they’re educational or entertaining produce a level of depletion in the executive function of young children’s brains.”

Social Skills: Spending too much time on screens can hinder the development of social skills and reduce face-to-face interactions, which are crucial for emotional and social development.

Step 2: Set clear screen time limits

Establishing boundaries around screen time is the first step towards creating healthier habits:

  • Create a Schedule: Set specific times for screen use, such as after homework or chores are completed. Stick to these limits consistently.
  • Tech-Free Zones: Designate certain areas of the house, like the dining room and bedrooms, as tech-free zones to encourage family interaction and better sleep.
  • Model Behavior: Lead by example. Show your children that you also value time away from screens by engaging in other activities.
Two girls around 3 and 5 years old lying down looking at a tablet screen. They appear to be watching something. They wear winter clothes.

Step 3: Introduce swimming as a fun alternative

Swimming is an excellent way to replace screen time with a healthy, enjoyable activity.

Swimming provides a full-body workout, improving cardiovascular health, muscle strength, and flexibility.

Also, there are mental benefits. Swimming can reduce stress, improve mood, and boost cognitive function.

Besides, swimming lessons and group activities offer opportunities for children to make new friends and develop social skills.

Step 4: Make swimming a regular part of your routine

Incorporate swimming into your family’s weekly schedule to establish it as a healthy habit:

  • Enroll in Lessons: Sign your child up for swimming lessons at Easy2Swim or a local pool. Regular lessons provide structure and help children develop their skills.
  • Family Swim Time: Plan regular family swim outings. This not only promotes physical activity but also strengthens family bonds.
  • Set Goals: Encourage your child to set swimming goals, such as learning a new stroke or improving their lap time. Celebrate their achievements to keep them motivated.

Step 5: Encourage other healthy habits

In addition to swimming, promote a variety of healthy activities to keep your child engaged and active.

For exempla, outdoor play: encourage outdoor playtime, such as biking, hiking, or playing sports.

You can encourage creative activities, like drawing, painting, or building with blocks.

Also, reading time is a good option. Set aside time for reading books together, which can be both educational and relaxing.

Man with his back holding a girl, around 4 years old, from the pool. The girl smiles. It seems to be a family moment. The child wears sunglasses and a swimsuit.

The importance of creating healthy habits

By reducing screen time and promoting healthy habits like swimming, you can help your child develop a more active and balanced lifestyle.

Swimming offers a fun and effective way to improve physical fitness, mental well-being, and social skills. At Easy2Swim, we’re dedicated to helping families make positive changes for a healthier future. 

Ready to dive in? Visit www.easy2swim.com to learn more about our swimming programs and tips for creating healthy habits. Let’s make the shift from screens to swimming and enjoy a happier, healthier life!

Thiago Luz

Swim instructor with boundless enthusiasm and a dedication to nurturing the young with the vital skill of swimming.

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